Thursday, July 07, 2005


I am a teetotaller and proud to be one. And I also boast of having some friends and relatives, who can easily sport the tag of being the "most seasoned drinker". However, I am irritated when some of my relatives who (I think) believe that drinking is an act of extreme courage and bravery, criticise me for not drinking. Even my mother, when I told her that I don't drink, said that nowadays lots of people are staying away from the bottle. I was aghast and told her that NOT everybody has to drink, and so why "not-drinking" should even qualify to be a topic of discussion. For better or for worse, drinking has come to be socially accepted and those who don't do it (usually) have to do a lot of explaining.

In the words of Firoz Khan, men need fire and fuel to keep them running.

thik hai?
>>And I also boast of having some friends and relatives, who can easily sport the tag of being the "most seasoned drinker".

Thanks Zone for being proud of me :))
I believe that if you are logging in as anonymous, you should mention your name.
Even I am asked these questions. It is highly irritating. Then some people are suspicious that you are not accepting that you drink etc etc. Me often resort to sarcasm :)
That's a good retort :-)
Sorry Zone, it was me. After posting I realised it but couldnt update it.

Well, I am not a tee-totaller either, but would not qualify for the title of a social drinker either. I am once in 6 months type, and that too 1 small. Most of the times, I refuse to drink simply because I just dont want to. At times like this, I have found that the best policy is to not discuss it at all, and change topic to something else very soon. And if you get some shit like you dont drink?, let it pass away. Dont respond, because the very idea of such a shit-attack is to make you react to their statements and get into an argument. Believe me, drinkers love to argue.

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